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Writing Intensive

SLCC has a Writing Intensive designation for non-composition courses. The AAC&U’s definition for this high impact practice is as follows, “These courses emphasize writing at all levels of instruction and across the curriculum, including final-year projects. Students are encouraged to produce and revise various forms of writing for different audiences in different disciplines. The effectiveness of this repeated practice “across the curriculum” has led to parallel efforts in such areas as quantitative reasoning, oral communication, information literacy, and, on some campuses, ethical inquiry.”

At SLCC, WI sections are capped at 25 students. Students must produce a minimum of 24 pages (6000 words) of writing (formal and informal). Writing assignments must account for at least 70% of the final grade. Faculty receive an extra contact hour for each WI-designated section towards their teaching load. This extra hour is spent in the Student Reading and Writing Center tutoring students from across the college.
For resources to implement a writing intensive curriculum, contact the Writing Across the College director.