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ESL Placement Test

The SLCC Placement Process helps you gauge your knowledge and determine the appropriate courses for your success. If you are an English Language Learner and would like to enroll in an English as a Second Language (ESL) course, you will need to complete the ESL Placement Process. Click below to learn more about our ESL program.


Now that you know about our ESL placement process, you are ready to get started.

Get Started

We have moved to Canvas, a more accessible placement process. Your assessment is only offered online so we ask that you do not come in to our testing centers. You will be given one attempt so please make sure you are prepared before logging in and starting your exam. Please allow 24-48 hours for your scores to be available in our system to register.

Before starting your assessment, please read the information below and follow the steps:

  1. Log into your MySLCC
  2. Navigate to the 'Testing Services' tile card on your home page. If you do not see the testing tile card, please go to the bottom of the page and click on 'Discover More'. In the search box, type 'testing'. You can pin this tile card to your home page for future reference.
  3. When you are ready click ‘Start Test
  4. You will be prompted to log into Mobius. Click ‘Use your school account.’
  5. Click the “Accept” button to agree to the “Terms of Use” document.
  6. Click the “Enroll in a Class” button on the “Welcome” screen.
  7. Click the check box next to the “SLCC Placement Process", then click the “Enroll” button.
  8. Click the “Confirm” button.
  9. On the “Welcome” screen click onSLCC Placement Process”, you can choose between math, English and ESL placement. You can take each quiz once. Decide which quiz you would like to take first and click on it.
  10. After you have completed your test take a screenshot or print a copy of your placement results for your records.