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Business Skills

Customer Service

Evaluates students' proficiency in providing customer service. The contest involves live, role-playing situations. Contestants demonstrate their ability to perform customer service in both written and oral forms including telephone and computer skills, communications, problem solving, conflict resolution and business etiquette.

Employment Application Process

Tests the contestant's readiness in applying for employment and their understanding of the process. The contest is available to students who are classified under the provisions of Public Law 105-17, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1997. The competition includes completing an application and interviewing with the judges. Their resume and portfolio are used during their interviews.


A team event testing students' knowledge in starting their own businesses by developing business plans that identify needed products or services in a local market. Emphasis is placed on financial planning and practicality of product/service. Teams give oral presentations based upon their written plans and the team must successfully answer questions by a team of judges in response to typical problem encountered by entrepreneurs during their first year of business.

Job Interview

Divided into three phases: completion of employment applications; preliminary interviews with receptionist; and, in-depth interviews. Contestants are evaluated on their understanding of employment procedures faced in applying for positions in the occupational areas for which they are training.

Technical Computer Applications

Contestants will be expected to demonstrate installation, configuration and use of Windows, Mac OSX and Linux Professional Operating Systems and one or more integrated office suite packages including email, word processing, spreadsheet applications, database applications, web page development, money management applications, presentations applications, internet browser applications, etc. The use of Open source software such as OpenOffice will be preferable. Microsoft Office and other integrated office suites could be used. The utilization of instant messaging, collaboration and social networking software will be required during the contest. Contestants will be expected to perform in teams while demonstrating individual technical skills. The contest will include an oral presentation demonstrating the student's ability to communicate with others, a hands-on skills demonstration, and a one hour time allotted written examination.