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STARS Dancers

A professional entertainment partnership between Salt Lake Community College and the SLC Stars basketball organization.

The SLCC STARS Dancers is a team that provides high-quality performances and other in-game entertainment during select SLC Stars basketball games at the Delta Center and Maverik Center (various evenings October-March, attendance at every game is not required).

This is an audition-based cooperative education course. Students invited to join this team will register for DANC 2000: Dance Co-op, a 12-week course fall and spring semesters, meets Fridays at South 10:00-11:30 A.M.

2024-25 STARS Dancers AUDITIONS

Friday, September 6
9:30 A.M.
South City Campus
Room 2-128

Audition attire:

  • Half-tops or sports bras. Tanks or t-shirts for men
  • Non-marking dance or athletic shoes
  • Performance-ready hair and make-up

What to expect at the audition:

  • Audition will run approximately 2 hours
  • Primary dance styles are hip hop and jazz
  • Advanced technique center- and across-the-floor

Delta Center Pom Performance

Delta Center Ball Toss

DANC 2000: DANCE Co-op

Course Description

A cooperative education program that provides SLCC students with an active learning experience to apply what they are learning in the SLCC School of Arts to a professional work setting and provide SLC Stars with high-quality performances and other in-game entertainment.

DANC 2000 is an audition-based course and requires department approval prior to student enrollment.

Student Learning Objectives

Supervised work experience in professional settings related to student’s dance studies underscoring connections between the classroom and employment.

Credit awarded for successful completion of specified learning objectives that provide new learning.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate an increased ability to use the unique language of dance and movement technique as a means of entertainment.
  2. Students will express an understanding of dance, the body, and its physicality as a profound form of communication in performance, writing, and movement assessment.
  3. Students will create and execute new movement compositions and perform the works in professional settings related to their career or educational goals.
  4. Students will articulate, in writing, connections between specific skills learned in the classroom and related job field praxis.
  5. Students will exhibit increased movement skills, concentration, artistic expression, and stage presence in large venue performance.
  6. Students will critically reflect on their preparation and presentation experiences and articulate the influence the co-op has had on their personal, academic, and professional goals and trajectory.