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Sandy P.

Sandy P.

Student Name:

Sandy P.




Granite Park Junior High School


The title of my piece, Differences, represents the way that I see our Beloved Community. How I see this Beloved Community of ours is with the differences in shapes, personalities, ages, sizes, and colors. I tend to see everything for why its unique; with this photo I had the ability to show how I see this community. In the photo you can see the differences in the colors of the flowers and both fences, you see how the fences are completely different but so unique together. The flower is more vibrant, more lively then the fences. Yet all together, their differences make them so unique together; they compliment each other so well. This project was very enjoyable for me to do. It made how and why I see the community the way I do, more understandable. So this piece has a great significance to me, and I hope this gives you the opportunity to see the way I see our very Beloved Community.