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Data Governance Policy

This policy was posted for public comment from May 1 – May 16, 2022.


I am glad this policy exists, and it's a good start. But we must create further oversite about how data is used and for what purposes. I see holes in the representation on the DRC. A member of the IRB should be on there, and a representative of our JEDI initiatives as we know that data collection and analysis is often inherently racist and sexist when a diverse body does not design the process. I also want to see a stronger representation from Academic Affairs. Often times the vast wealth of knowledge of the faculty body is forgotten about by administration. We have dozens of faculty with advanced degrees in related fields; sociology, ethics, computer science, mathematics, etc. There should be a faculty representative on there. I would also argue that there should be a Staff association rep and Student Association rep.

There should also be specific rules about the informed consent of certain data gathered. If I as an employee chooses to give data on a survey, for example, I should be sure that it is only used for that purpose. While the DGC would handle some of this, a specific policy around that should be made.



No revision was made. For the council representation this is something that can be reflected within the Charter, the Policy itself just requires us to maintain a charter with membership listed. For the informed consent surrounding collected data this is another great point, but we believe this policy is not the best place to represent it. Each of the comments and recommendations made are incredible points, though are best answered within the charter document to make sure the group can dynamically adjust to these issues.