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SLCC GRAMA Request Fees

Physical $.25 per page*
Electronic Free**
Storage Media $10

*$25 cap per record.
**Electronic copies are free if the records are already in the appropriate electronic format.

First 15 minutes Free^
Hourly rate $25
Compilation of multiple records hourly rate
Search & retrieval hourly rate
Format conversion $.25 per page + hourly rate^^
Redactions hourly rate
Other processing hourly rate

^The free 15 minutes applies once per request and not to each stage of processing.
^^Video and audio media format conversions are billed under “other processing” pricing.


SLCC uses an online marketplace to manage invoices and for requesters to make payments.

SLCC may require payment of past fees and future expected fees (exceeding $50) before handling any further requests from you.

Yes, if requested, the records officer may provide an estimated cost of services for your request prior to working on it. (Please note: This is only an estimate, and the final cost may be higher.)