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Commencement Ceremony Overview

  1. Start arriving at the Maverik Center (3200 S Decker Lake Dr. West Valley City) at 8 a.m., head to the school tents on the east side of the Maverik.
  2. Check in at tent with first letter of last name to get your name reader card. (Example: if your last name starts with A, go to the tent with the letter A on it.)
  3. Tents: Make sure you get your “reader card”. This card is available in the tent and printed with your name. The card is used for announcing your name as you walk across the stage. A “reader” will announce your name after you hand them your card. The card is then scanned and your name will appear on the screen as you walk across the stage to shake hands with President Deneece G. Huftalin.
  4. Schedule:
    1. Grad check in: 8-8:30 a.m.
    2. Doors open for your guests: 8:30 a.m.
    3. Processional: 9:30 a.m. All grads please be in the tent area before 9:30 a.m.
    4. Commencement Ceremony: 10 a.m.
  5. Cap and gown (limited quantities) purchases available at Maverik Center, please ask your tent volunteer.
  6. Simultaneous translation in Spanish will be provided during commencement for you or your guests. Headsets can be picked up inside the Maverik Center main level. A driver’s license or state ID must be left as collateral and will be  returned when the headset is returned. Maximum number of headsets available per collateral is four.
  7. Volunteers will ask everyone to line up 10 minutes before processional start time, please follow their instructions. You will line up in two parallel lines. To sit next to your friends line up behind, not next to each other since the lines will split up once you enter the arena.
  8. Volunteers will guide you into the Maverik Center:
    1. VIP Entry: L-Z
    2. Team Entry: ADA, Civically Engaged Scholars, A-K, and Provost’s Grads of Excellence.
  9. Once you enter the arena you will be guided to your seat. Sit back and enjoy commencement. If possible, please stay for the entirety of commencement.


**Have a question morning of the Commencement on May 3? Ask anyone wearing a gray SLCC volunteer shirt!**