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Accommodations at ADS

This is not a complete list of the accommodations that can be available at ADS and other accommodations can be requested if needed. Each accommodation is reviewed on a class-by-class basis and cannot alter the essential components of a course. Some accommodations may require additional documentation or a more intensive reviewal process. Please speak with an ADS advisor for more information.

Chairs, tables, and other support furniture. This could include but is not limited to:

  1. Adjustable Chairs with or without arms rests
  2. High chair or stool
  3. Podium
  4. Adjustable table

Computer software and assistive equipment provided by the ADS to assist students with accessing course materials. This could include but is not limited to:

  1. Adaptive Equipment-Physical Equipment or Software provided by the ADS.
  2. CCTV- Visual Equipment to magnify in the classroom.
  3. Dictation software (Word/Dragon)- Voice recognition speech to text software.
  4. Handheld Magnifier- visual equipment to magnify documents.
  5. Keyboard- Specialized keyboard to meet student’s needs.
  6. Monitor: Large Screen- Equipment in classroom to allow for magnification.
  7. Otter App- A transcribing and recording app on student’s own device.
  8. Recorder- Device to record audio during class.
  9. Screen Magnifier (ZoomText/Magic)- Software that provides screen magnification.
  10. Screen Reader (JAWS/NVDA)- Computer software that reads out visual information.
  11. Smart pen- An audio recording device to record lectures.

ADS provides books in alternative format for student use. Alternative formats could include:

  1. Alt Text, Audio Media- Audio materials that are uploaded to a Victor Stream.
  2. Alt Text, Enlarged Print- Enlarged format of books.
  3. Alt Text, Kurzweil- Text to speech software to read books and websites out loud.
  4. Alt Text, PDF- Books in PDF format.
  5. Alt Text, Word Doc- Books in Word format.
Materials provided by the ADS in Braille format to assist students with equal access.

Accommodations focusing on the classroom environment. These could include but are not limited to:

  1. Class Participation (Group work)- An alternative assignment to group work if it does not alter the essential functions of the course
  2. Calculator-Student is permitted to use a calculator unless it alters the essential functions of the class.
  3. Laptop- Student may use their personal laptop during class.
  4. Preferential Seating- Student will work with the instructor to determine the best seating arrangement in class.
  5. Fidget- Student is permitted to use a fidget during class.
  6. Dietary- Student may access food and drink during class.
  7. Classroom Participation- Please refrain from calling on student in class unless it alters the essential functions of the course.
  8. Classroom Presentations- Student is permitted to present without other students present.
  9. Leave Classroom at Any Time- The student is permitted to leave class without warning.
  10. Medical Equipment- The student will be permitted to bring medical equipment to class.
  11. Sit or Stand at Will- Student requires the ability to move or shift position or seating in class.
  12. Notetaking/Lecture Notes- ADS coordinates peer note takers
  13. Reader/Scribe- ADS provides reading or scribing for student that requires assistance with physically writing information or reviewing visual class materials.
  14. Enlarged Text- Course materials are provided by instructor in enlarged format.
  15. Headphones- Noise cancelling headphones or earbuds.
  16. Typing- Student is permitted to type assignments when handwriting is required.
  17. Glasses- Student is permitted to wear dark or colored glasses during class.

These accommodations allow students to communicate in and out of the classroom. This could include but is not limited to:

  1. Assistive Listening Devices-Amplified wireless mic system provided by the ADS.
  2. Caption All Media- All videos, audio recordings, and media are captioned
  3. Captioning Services (CART/Type Well)- Real-time captioning provided by the ADS
  4. Sign Language Interpreters- ASL Interpreters provided by the ADS
Student is provided course substitution for Math 1030. This accommodation requires extension documentation review and the student’s major must meet requirements.
The accommodation of a memory aid is one sheet of paper (paper size- 8 1/2 x 11; one-sided) prepared by the student to facilitate memory in a testing situation. This paper must be approved by faculty 48 hours in advance of the exam.
Student will be given assignment, test, and quiz extensions during a disability-related episodic event.
In the event of a seizure instructor will follow the school policy.

These accommodations are to provide access to the testing environment. This could include but is not limited to:

  1. Computer- Student may type answers to test and quiz questions.
  2. Calculator- Student is permitted to use a calculator during testing unless it alters the essential functions of the class.
  3. Dictation Software- Student may utilize dictation software during tests and quizzes.
  4. Dietary- Student may access food and/or water during testing.
  5. Double Time- Student may utilize double the allotted test time for tests and quizzes.
  6. Enlarged- Student may utilize an enlarged text version of their tests and quizzes.
  7. Fidget- Student is permitted to use a fidget during testing.
  8. Headphones- Student may utilize noise cancelling headphones during tests and quizzes.
  9. Interpreter- Student may use an interpreter during tests and quizzes.
  10. Kurzweil- Student may utilize Kurzweil reading software during tests and quizzes.
  11. Memory Aid- The accommodation of a memory aid is one sheet of paper (paper size- 8 1/2 x 11; one-sided) prepared by the student to facilitate memory in a testing situation. This paper must be approved by faculty 48 hours in advance of the exam.
  12. Minimal Distraction- The student may utilize the minimal distraction location at Testing Services for proctored tests and quizzes.
  13. Medical device- The student will be permitted to bring medical equipment to testing.
  14. Modular Administration- Student is permitted to take a test or quiz in multiple testing sessions.
  15. Music During Testing- Students may utilize music during proctored tests and quizzes.
  16. Medical Equipment- The student will be permitted to bring medical equipment to testing.
  17. Paper- Student may utilize scratch or graphing paper while testing.
  18. Perkins Brailler- Student may utilize a Perkins Brailler while testing.
  19. Reader/Scribe- Student may utilize a reader and/or scribe while testing.
  20. Screen Magnifier- Student may utilize screen magnification software during tests and quizzes.
  21. Screen Reader- Student may utilize screen reader software during tests and quizzes.
  22. Testing at Testing Services- The student may utilize the Testing Services Department for proctored tests and quizzes.
  23. Adaptive furniture/table- Student may use an adjustable table for testing.
  24. Breaks- Student is permitted to use a testing break to walk about or use the restroom while testing.
  25. Colored glasses/colored overlays- Student is permitted to wear colored glasses and/or use colored overlays while testing.
  26. Colored pencils- Student is permitted to bring multi-colored pens/pencils into the testing room.