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Role Model with a Passion for Healthcare

A rocker at heart, LeAnn Riser not only appreciates the financial reprieve that being a Metallica Scholar gives her but plain old thinks it’s cool. As a teenager, Metallica was her very first concert. At Alta High School in Utah, LeAnn enjoyed playing sports, was involved in music and art, and was always interested in medicine, passions she continues today. She is a cake designer by trade, watches baseball and still goes to rock concerts. LeAnn is also a full-time student at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) in the Surgical Tech program.

LeAnn’s life took a big turn a year ago and receiving the Metallica Scholarship Initiative is a big deal for her. “I am now a single working mother who is also a full-time student. That extra financial boost gave me some breathing room,” she said. “I am grateful to Metallica and am honored to have been chosen for a scholarship.”

Once her children were old enough, Riser decided to attain a more stable career. “I chose Surgical Technology because I find surgery remarkable, interesting and exciting. It was a short enough program that I felt was attainable at 48,” she said.

LeAnn shared that returning to school as an older adult was intimidating, but she felt great accomplishment as a role model for her kids. “They watch me sacrifice things I would rather be doing to study and learn instead.”

As for the future, LeAnn is still deciding where this degree will take her. “I find all surgery specialties interesting,” she said. LeAnn can see herself working day shifts in a smaller hospital to be home for her children in the evenings. “But who knows,” she added. “I may surprise myself with a more challenging schedule.” Regardless, you can be assured that LeAnn will keep on rockin’.