Pandemic Stories
Write your way through strange times with the CWC with a pandemic-themed series of creative writing prompts.
Starting Wednesday, August 12, 2020 a series of creative writing prompts will be posted to the CWC's Facebook ( @CommunityWritingCenter) and Instagram ( @slcc_cwc) pages.
Submissions will be featured on the CWC's Community Voices web page. Submissions are limited to 2500 words and must be received by September 30, 2020.

ReelStories features the dynamic lives and experiences of people with disabilities. ReelStories is associated with the ReelAbilities Film Festival. To continue the community conversation about disability, the CWC will be accepting digital story submissions to be featured on the Community Voices website. Share your experience or the stories of friends and family!
Need help getting started with your digital story?
View stories people have shared.

About Community Voices
Since 2001, the SLCC Community Writing Center (CWC) has celebrated the diverse writers and voices in Utah. While we share in fostering strong dialogue in our communities through writing and digital stories, we are aware that honest dialogue about race, gender, ability, poverty, human rights and cultural identity can be difficult to have, and yet affect every aspect of our daily lives. Words can have an affect, but so can silence.
This website is about dialogue through writing and digital stories about matters that affect us daily. You could share a six-word sentence about a topic that matters to you, or maybe write a longer work of poetry, fiction, nonfiction or digital storytelling that makes communities' needs and concerns transparent and shared. Long-term community change is multi-directional, and reducing barriers is not always about connecting people to resources, but understanding why those barriers exist in the first place. Writing has the power to create awareness where none exists.
We invite you to share your words about things you may have otherwise been silent about.
To view the Anthology Archive click below.
Community Voices has received support from Utah Humanities. Utah Humanities (UH) empowers groups and individuals to improve their communities through active engagement in the humanities.