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Policy Development Policy

This policy was posted for public comment from October 6 – 24, 2023.


This new policy appears to add another layer of bureaucracy to an already bureaucratic process. This particular addition could lead to decisions/determinations that are more political in nature. An "equity Lens review determination" is subjective in nature.

What is the policy for how EMPC is determined? Where will information about EMPC be posted so that employees know who to communicate with if there is an issue or policy concern?

I did not read it all, but I looked at a lot of it and these changes seem to be good, and make sense


Concerns Regarding the Addition of an Equity Lens Review

Some aspects of policies in general are subjective and an equity lens review can also be subjective in nature. It is a longstanding philosophical argument about whether human beings can in fact be objective. According to Linked in Learning polices tell us “what to do” and procedures tell us “how to do” it, and both are really up to the organization to define. Here at SLCC, we use processes like the 15-day policy review, board of trustees review, and now the equity lens review as a way of including varied voices and perspectives and soliciting their feedback. While this does add another step, it also helps us minimize the harm that can be caused by our conscious and unconscious biases and guard against disproportionate impacts. The committee will use a Likert scale in their reviews to provide as much consistency as possible.

Clarification Around How EMPC Membership is Determined and Where Information About the EMPC will be Posted for Transparency.

The Equity Minded Policy Committee is comprised of representatives from the seven divisions to ensure that each division has representation and input on policies that impact their work. The current group was selected because of their expertise, availability, and demonstrated ability to think about a varied group of people across and outside of the institution. Additional interested individuals are welcome to contact their cabinet member to request a nomination to the committee, either for themselves or someone else. Information regarding the function and purpose of the EMPC will be posted on IEIT’s webpage, along with a directive to contact questions either Kino Hurtado or Jen Hughes for any questions or concerns.