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Sponsored Projects Policy

This policy was posted for public comment from April 6 - April 21, 2023.


Create/Add - 2.a.(5) What we have proposed is implied in 2.a.(3) but as many PI’s are unaware of 2 CFR 200 we would like to see language stating, “prepare, review, and approve all required financial reports.


Create/Add – 2.h. Banner is the financial system of record and therefore the Controller’s Office would “serve as the records custodian for all financial documents


Create/Add – 2.i. The Controller’s Office is responsible for all financial reporting at the College. Therefore, we would propose to add “develop and review financial reports or financial elements of a programmatic report”. This will help point all financial related questions to the Controller’s Office.


A small language adjustment in 3.b(1)(d) to help read a little better.


Change language in 3.b(1)(j) the word “financial” to “non-financial” (two occurrences) as this will help with the PI knowing that the Controller’s Office is the only authorized group to provide “financial” information. However, the PI’s are integral in providing the “non-financial” data elements in a programmatic report.


Add language in 3.b(1)(k)  “and Controller’s Office” so that the PI would notify not only OSP but Controller’s Office if there are any personnel changes related to an award. The Controller’s Office would need this information ASAP to start the appropriate Personnel Action Form (PAF) changes.

III.F Formula Funding tells departments to refer to “Pre-Award Requirements”, section VI.D.3.e, but there is no section VI.D.3.e. We would like to know what the language is specific to formula funding.


IV.C.1.m – since financial and fiscal management are the role of the Controller’s Office, the controller’s office should also be the record keeper for all financial records.


Need to Clarify Formula Funding For Pre-Award Requirements Because Section IV.D.3.e, Which is Referenced in Section III.D, is not in the Policy

Section III.F has been revised. A sentence has been added at the end of this section stating: “See Department Rules section B.3.c which is linked to policy section VI.D. entitled “Pre-Award Requirements."

Specify Controller’s Responsibility to Prepare, Review, Approve and Submit Sponsored Projects Financial Records

This revision was made with some modifications. Section IV.C.2.a.(5) was added to include a Controller’s responsibility to “prepare, review, approve and submit all required financial reports with the PI’s knowledge and consent.” In addition, section IV.C.3.b.(1)(j) has been added which states “under the direction of the Controller’s Office, review and approve submission of financial reports and complete project fiscal responsibilities.”

Specify Controller’s Responsibility as Records Custodian for Sponsored Projects Financial Documents

This revision was made and added as section IV.C.2.h.

Specify that the Controller’s Office is responsible to “develop and review financial reports or financial elements of a programmatic report.”

No revision was made. This proposed revision was deemed redundant with revisions made to section IV.C.2.a.(5).

Minor Grammar Error in Section IV.C.3.b.(1)(d)

In section IV.C.3.b (1)(d), the word “tracking” has been changed to “track” as recommended by the commenter.

Clarify that Controller’s Office is Responsible for Financial Information and Principal Investigator (“PI”) is Responsible for Non-Financial Information

No revision was made. The proposed revision was deemed unnecessary because section IV.C.2.a (5) specifies that the Controller is responsible to “prepare, review, and approve all required financial reports within the knowledge and consent of the PI.”

Add Controller’s Office as Party to Be Notified if PI’s Employment Terminates

The recommended revision to section IV.C.3(b) (1)(k) was made.