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Faculty Senate


    This policy establishes the Faculty Senate at Salt Lake Community College. The Faculty Senate is a deliberative assembly with the power to act for the college faculty in all educational matters subject to the authority of the State Board of Higher Education, the College President, and Board of Trustees. This Policy establishes the Faculty Senate and provides for its membership and governance structure enacted through the senate’s procedures and by-laws.



    1. Academic Freedom: the right of all faculty to full freedom in the classroom to discuss their subjects, conduct research, and in the publication of the results.
    2. Academic Supervisor: a dean, associate dean, department chairperson, or any other position with direct authority and responsibility to assign duties, evaluate, and impose corrective action on a faculty member.
    3. Adjunct Faculty: part-time, non-tenure-track faculty whose primary duties are teaching courses assigned on a per-term basis.
    4. College Faculty: all Salt Lake Community College faculty [including Salt Lake Technical College faculty], including full-time, adjunct, tenure-track, tenured, and non-tenure track faculty.
    5. Department: an instructional program or group of programs and the faculty members.
    6. Discussion Team: a joint Administration/Faculty team empowered to provide recommendations to the College President regarding full-time faculty compensation and workload. The team meets as needed to draft proposals for review by the President for possible inclusion into the Full-Time Faculty Handbook for Compensation and Workload. Once Presidential approval is received, the updates will be published on the Provost Office website.
    7. Educational Matters: matters including, but not limited to, accreditation, curriculum, subject matter, assessment, modes and methods of instruction, academic calendar and scheduling, and aspects of student life that relate to the educational process, including requirements for degrees and certificates offered, determining when requirements have been fulfilled, and recommending when degrees and certificates are conferred.
    8. Full-time Faculty: employees holding academic rank and have a teaching or academic appointment from the College, excluding academic supervisors and, including tenure and non-tenure track faculty.
    9. Meaningful participation: transparent and effective communication and full opportunity for appropriate joint planning and effort between faculty, staff, administration, and trustees.
    10. Non-Tenure Track Faculty: full-time faculty not on the tenure- track.
    11. Senate Area: department(s) or program(s) which elected and are represented by a Faculty Senator.
    12. Shared Governance: the joint responsibility of faculty, staff, students, and the College President, Executive Cabinet, and the Board of Trustees to govern the college. Differences in the weight of each group's voice on a particular issue should be determined by its legal role, its responsibility, and expertise.
    13. Tenure: the status achieved following the appropriate review period and following a prescribed evaluation that shows that the faculty member meets professional standards and is competent as a teacher, in their discipline, and as a colleague.
    14. Tenured Faculty: full-time faculty members who have received tenure.
    15. Tenure-Track Faculty: full-time faculty members who are in a pre-tenure probationary period.
    1. Salt Lake Community College Faculty Senate Organization Name and Location
      1. The name of this organization shall be the Salt Lake Community College Faculty Senate.
      2. The principal location of the organization shall be Salt Lake Community College.
    2. Purpose of Faculty Senate
      1. The Faculty Senate is a deliberative and representative body that is an authoritative voice for college faculty on matters including:
        1. Educational matters;
        2. Justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion;
        3. Cultures of the college as a workplace and educational body;
        4. The standards of faculty professional responsibility to students, the profession, colleagues, and the college;
        5. Academic freedom and rights of faculty, students, and the college; and
        6. Rank, tenure, and all faculty evaluation processes.
      2. The purpose of the Faculty Senate is to have meaningful participation in shared governance as a recommending body to the Executive Cabinet and the Board of Trustees.
      3. Faculty Senate aims to serve the institution’s strategic plan, mission, vision, and values.
      4. Faculty Senate is established to:
        1. Be the collaborative structure for shared governance and decision-making regarding policy and processes that impact faculty and students.
        2. Support an organizational structure that will encourage the use of faculty talents, knowledge, and problem-solving skills.
        3. Provide a forum where the diverse voices of faculty may be heard, where ideas can be shared and debated, where solutions to problems can be found;
        4. Provide recommendations to the College Provost for consideration and response.
        5. Collaborate with Faculty, Staff, and Student Associations
    3. Shared Academic Governance Statement
      1. The variety and complexity of the tasks performed by institutions of higher education, like Salt Lake Community College (“SLCC”), produce an interdependence among the governing board, administration, faculty, staff, students, and others.
      2. State of Utah law grants the Board of Trustees and the College President the necessary and proper powers and authority to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the college. While Faculty Senate is a recommending body, final decision-making power rests with the Board of Trustees and College President.
      3. Shared governance refers to SLCC’s faculty right to have meaningful participation to advise, recommend and engage in joint planning with college administration on decisions, policy, procedures, and other matters affecting faculty welfare and educational matters.
      4. In furtherance of shared governance and meaningful participation, SLCC’s Faculty Senate may pass a written resolution providing recommended actions or input to college Administration on matters affecting faculty welfare, educational matters and general academic operations which may include, but is not limited to, policies, procedures, and budgetary matters.
      5. If the College President or Executive Cabinet member (“Administration”) does not follow a written resolution passed by Faculty Senate and delivered to the Administration, the applicable Administrator shall provide a written explanation of the basis for their decision which should be delivered to the Faculty Senate President within 30-calendar days.
      6. In addition to the practices of shared governance set forth in section 4.C.3,4, and 5 set forth herein, meaningful participation will be demonstrated by the Administration’s recognition of the following:
        1. Faculty Senate will have meaningful participation in decisions related to educational matters.
        2. Faculty Senate will participate in dialogue with Senior Leadership in instances that significantly impact faculty outside of educational matters.
        3. Faculty Senate will have meaningful participation in matters of faculty welfare and workplace culture.
        4. The Faculty Senate has special responsibility for the oversight of the Academic Freedom, Professional Responsibility and Tenure (“AFPRT”) policy. This special responsibility will be primarily fulfilled by the Faculty Senate’s standing committee for Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure. Faculty Senate may offer formal recommendations or comments on any proposed policy or policy revision.
        5. The Faculty Senate will be represented by a minimum of two representatives, with full voting rights, on the Faculty Discussion Team. These representatives will be the Faculty Senate President and Vice- President unless those officers delegate this authority to another Faculty Senate elected member.
        6. The Faculty Senate can enact its own internal procedures if they are consistent with law and college policy.
        7. The Provost for Academic Affairs will engage in formal, collaborative, and regular meetings with the Faculty Senate and Faculty Association Presidents.
        8. The College President will formally meet with the Faculty Senate and Faculty Association President to discuss educational matters, matters affecting faculty welfare and general academic operations at least two times per year.
    4. Senate Membership and Elections
      1. Membership of the Faculty Senate
        1. The Faculty Senate shall be constituted as follows:
          1. Senate President
            1. The Senate President will not serve as the elected representative of their senate area.
            • The Senate President shall exercise their voting right only when that vote will affect the outcome.
          2. Senate Vice President
            1. The Senate Vice President will continue to serve as an elected representative of their senate area, and, as such, will retain their voting rights.
          3. Senate Curriculum Committee(s) Faculty Chair(s)
          4. General Education Faculty Lead
          5. Full-time Faculty Senators representing senate areas.
            1. Senate areas are constituted of departments or Salt Lake Technical College program areas.
              1. A department or program with 5 or more full-time faculty members, including open full-time positions, will constitute a senate area.
              2. A department or program with fewer than 5 faculty members, including open full-time positions, will be combined with another department, program area, or division to make up a senate area.
            2. Ratio of Faculty Senator to Number of Full-Time Faculty
              1. Each senate area with 5-10 full-time faculty will be represented by one (1) Senator.
              2. A senate area having 11-20 faculty members shall have two (2) Senators;
              3. A senate area having 21-30 members, three (3) Senators; etc.
            3. Annual Calculation of Senate Areas Number of Faculty Senators
              1. The Senate Vice President, in consultation with the current Faculty Senator(s) from the senate area and the Provost for Academic Affairs, determines the senate areas and number of seats annually.
            4. Staggered Faculty Senators Terms
              1. Senate areas should make an effort to stagger elections so that approximately one-third of senator positions are up for election each year.
          6. Ex Officio Non-Voting Members
            1. College President or designee.
            2. Provost for Academic Affairs or designee.
            3. Vice President of Student Affairs or designee.
            4. President of the Faculty Association or designee
            5. Associate Deans Council President or designee.
            6. Salt Lake Community College Student Association President or designee.
      2. Election of Full-Time Faculty Members to Faculty Senate
        1. Organization of Elections
          1. The Senate Vice President shall initiate elections of Full-Time Faculty Senators as needed.
          2. The elections of Full-Time Faculty Senators shall be facilitated by the vacating Senator or another Senator from the same senate area or School, under the Supervision of the Senate Vice President.
        2. Eligibility for Nomination
          1. Full-time faculty members are eligible for nomination for Faculty Senate.
          2. Full-time faculty members can be nominated by themselves or by full-time faculty members from their senate area.
          3. Academic Supervisors cannot nominate or appoint faculty, or serve on Faculty Senate.
            1. Any faculty nominated or appointed under section 4.D.2.B.3 will not be recognized or seated by the Faculty Senate.
        3. Senate Area Elections
          1. Each year, the Senate Vice President will provide each senate area represented in the Faculty Senate with a current list of those eligible to vote in Faculty Senate elections and eligible for election to the Faculty Senate from that area.
          2. Faculty senators will be elected by a vote of the full-time faculty of the Page 7 of 13 senate area. Procedures for the vote will be determined by the full-time faculty of the senate area in consultation with the Senate Vice President.
          3. Academic Supervisors do not have the right to vote.
          4. Senators shall be elected to serve three-year terms. Senators may be reelected for consecutive terms.
            1. Senators’ term shall start in the following academic year upon the start of Fall semester.
          5. Following the election, each senate area shall forward the name of the person(s) elected to represent that area to the Senate Vice President. After verifying the election results, the Vice President shall announce the roster of newly elected Senators at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.
        4. Procedures to Replace Faculty Senator Who Vacated Position or Has Extended Absence.
          1. In the event the position of a Faculty Senate member is vacated before the expiration of their term, the faculty in that area will nominate and vote for an alternate representative to serve until the next general election when the vacancy shall be filled by election.
          2. A Senator who has an extended absence, may nominate a substitute from the same senate area to serve during the Senator's absence.
          3. The substitute must be confirmed by a plurality vote of the full-time faculty from their senate area and may not serve more than two semesters.
          4. A Senator not attending three consecutive Faculty Senate meetings or is unable to attend for more than one semester will be removed and a replacement will be determined by following the procedure outlined in 3.2.C.D.1.
    5. Faculty Senate Leadership
      1. Faculty Senate Leadership Role
        1. Serves as the steering committee for Faculty Senate.
        2. Establish Faculty Senate meeting agenda &
        3. Ensuring all proceedings abide by the Faculty Senate Policy, Procedure, and Bylaws.
      2. Composition of Faculty Senate Leadership
        1. Senate President
        2. Senate Vice-President
        3. Faculty Association President
        4. Faculty Association Vice-President
        5. Chair(s) of Senate Curriculum Committee(s)
        6. Faculty Lead of General Education Committee
        7. Chairs of Senate Standing Committees
        8. Chairs of current Senate Ad-Hoc Committees
        9. The previous Senate President will serve on Faculty Senate Leadership for one year following the election of a new Senate President
      3. Faculty Senate Leadership Officer’s Duties and Responsibilities
        1. Senate President
          1. Conduct Faculty Senate meetings.
          2. Set the agenda, in consultation with Faculty Senate Leadership
          3. Organize and lead Faculty Senate Leadership meeting.
          4. Represent the college faculty and Faculty Senate at college-level meetings.
          5. Perform other activities as necessary.
        2. Vice-President
          1. Conduct and monitor Faculty Senate and elections.
          2. Update and monitor Faculty Senate membership and representation of senate areas.
          3. Serve on one or more college-level committees.
          4. Conduct Faculty Senate meetings and business in the absence of the Faculty Senate President.
        3. Other members of Faculty Senate Leadership
          1. Responsibilities of the Chairperson of Senate Curriculum Committee(s) and Faculty Co-Chair of General Education Committee are defined in the respective committee’s handbooks.
          2. Responsibilities of Chairpersons of Senate Standing Committees are defined in the Faculty Senate Bylaws.
          3. Responsibilities of the Chairs of current Senate Ad-Hoc Committees are to be determined by the Senate President.
      4. Election of Faculty Senate Leadership
        1. President
          1. The Senate President shall be elected by a simple majority of the faculty senate to a three-year term.
          2. All tenured faculty, currently serving on Faculty Senate (excluding ex officio members), are eligible for nomination as Senate President.
          3. After the end of the initial three-year term, the Senate President may run for additional one-year terms.
        2. Vice President
          1. The Vice President shall be elected by a simple majority to a one-year term.
          2. All tenured faculty, currently serving on Faculty Senate (excluding ex officio members), are eligible for nomination as Vice President.
          3. The Senate Vice President may run for re-election to additional one-year terms.
        3. Chairperson of the Curriculum and General Education Committees
          1. The chairs of the Curriculum Committee and faculty lead of the General Education Committee are determined per their bodies defined procedures and handbooks.
        4. Standing Committee Chairperson
          1. Elected by a simple majority of the faculty senate to a one-year term.
          2. All full-time faculty serving on Faculty Senate (excluding ex officio members) are eligible for nomination for standing committee chairs.
          3. The Senate Standing Committee Chairs may run for re-election to additional one-year terms.
        5. Ad Hoc Committee Chairpersons
          1. Chairpersons are appointed by the Senate President.
          2. All full-time faculty serving on Faculty Senate (excluding ex officio members) are eligible to chair ad-hoc committees.
        6. Voting procedures
          1. In all elections for Faculty Senate Leadership, "elected by a simple majority" shall mean that a candidate receives more than half of all votes cast for a nominated candidate. If no candidate receives a majority, then voting shall repeat until a majority is reached by one candidate.
      5. Resignation or Removal of Faculty Senate Leadership Officers
        1. Resignation
          1. If the Senate President is unable to fulfil their duties, the individual may resign their duties and the Senate Vice President will assume their role in an acting status for the remainder of that academic year.
          2. If the Senate Vice President or Standing Committee Chairs are unable to fulfill their duties, the individual may resign their duties.
            1. An election will be held during the next Faculty Senate meeting to select a senator to assume their role in an acting status for the remainder of that academic year.
        2. Removal
          1. Any Senator (excluding ex officio members) may make a motion to remove an individual from a Faculty Senate Leadership position.
          2. The motion to remove an individual from a Faculty Senate Leadership position must be seconded and must pass with a two-thirds majority vote of all voting Senators.
    6. Meetings, Committees and Business
      1. Meetings
        1. The Senate shall meet at least one time each month during the Fall and Spring semesters.
        2. An annual schedule of the Senate meeting dates and times shall be approved and posted by the Senate President during August upon the recommendation of the Academic Calendar Committee.
        3. Meetings shall be held in an accessible, inclusive space. Any accessibility requests should be directed to the Senate President.
        4. Special meetings may be scheduled by the Senate President, or upon written request of at least eight members of the Senate.
          1. Senate members and faculty must be provided at least 24 hour written notice of a special meeting before it can be held.
        5. A quorum is required for any Faculty Senate vote. A simple majority of all voting Senate members, and their proxies, shall constitute a quorum.
        6. Senate meetings are open to all SLCC employees and students. If there are constraints, priority will be determined by the Senate President. Community members can be invited by the Senate President.
      2. Committees
        1. Standing Committees shall be defined and established in the Faculty Senate Bylaws. Senate Standing Committees are established to further the mission, vision and goals of Salt Lake Community College and the Faculty Senate.
        2. Ad Hoc Committees shall be established by the Senate President to accomplish a specific task within a defined period of time.
    7. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. Duties of Faculty Senators
        1. Work with the goal of helping the college realize SLCC’s mission of being an open-access, comprehensive community college committed to the transfer education and workforce needs of our students.
        2. Communicate with and represent the faculty of their Senate Area.
        3. Prepare for, attend, and participate in Faculty Senate meetings.
        4. Read, understand, and follow the procedures set forth in the Faculty Senate Policy, Procedures, and Bylaws.
        5. Treat one another with respect and free from discrimination in accordance with the Standards of Professional Responsibility as defined in the Academic Freedom, Professional Responsibility and Tenure policy.
        6. Disclose any conflicts of interests to the Faculty Senate President.
        7. A Senator who will be absent from a regularly scheduled meeting is expected to send a substitute or identify a proxy from the same senate area in their stead.
        8. Membership in the Senate does not grant approval to represent the Institution or Senate.
        9. Senators should be able to vote free of intimidation, discrimination, or retribution.
      2. Removal of Faculty Senator
        1. Senators may be removed from office in the event they are not fulfilling their duties and responsibilities as established in the Senate Policy, Procedure, and Bylaws,
        2. Any Senator (excluding ex officio members) may make a motion to remove a Senator from the position. The motion to remove a Senator must be seconded and must pass with a two-thirds majority vote of all voting Senators;
        3. Any Senator can be removed from office by simple majority vote of their constituent faculty. The represented faculty may request in writing the Senate Vice President to organize and conduct an election to remove the Senator from office.
        4. A replacement for the removed Senator will be determined by following the procedure outlined in 4.2.D.1.
      3. Duties and Responsibilities of the College to Faculty Senate and Senators
        1. The College shall consider individuals who serve in good standing as Faculty Senators to be at least at the level of Standard Performance in the area of College Service for the purpose of rank, tenure, and evaluation.
        2. The College shall consider individuals who serve in good standing in Faculty Senate Leadership (see 4.E.2) to be at the level of Exceeds Standard Performance in the area of College Service for the purpose of rank, tenure, and evaluation.
        3. Faculty Senate Leadership will report to the College any Faculty Senators or members of Faculty Senate Leadership who are not in good standing, as determined by majority vote of Faculty Senate Leadership.
        4. Efforts will be made to avoid scheduling conflicting meetings and other responsibilities during scheduled Faculty Senate meetings.
        5. Academic departments and supervisors shall attempt to schedule teaching responsibilities of elected Faculty Senators to minimize conflicts with scheduled Faculty Senate Meetings.
    8. Modification
      1. The Faculty Senate shall review and suggest changes to its Policy and Procedures at least once every five (5) years.
      2. When necessary, the Faculty Senate President will assemble an Ad Hoc Committee to review and propose changes to the policy and procedure.
        1. The Ad Hoc Committee shall present proposed revisions to the Senate President.
        2. A two-thirds majority vote of Faculty Senate is required to recommend changes to the Faculty Senate Policy and Procedures
        3. Proposed changes are forwarded to the Salt Lake Community College President and Executive Cabinet.
    9. Faculty Senate Bylaws
      1. Purpose
        1. The Senate Bylaws establish the internal operation and rules of the Faculty Senate.
        2. The Senate Bylaws establish Senate Standing Committees and define their charge, scope, and membership.
      2. Adoption
        1. Adoption of the Senate Bylaws requires a simple majority vote of the Faculty Senate.
      3. Modification
        1. Any Senator may propose changes to the Senate Bylaws. Any proposed changes shall be submitted, in writing, to the Senate Vice President.
        2. The Senate Bylaws shall be reviewed by the Faculty Senate Leadership and proposed changes will be voted upon at least annually by Faculty Senate.
        3. Adoption of changes to the Senate Bylaws requires a simple majority vote of the Faculty Senate.

Date of last board of trustees review: April 17, 2024

The originator of this policy is the Faculty Senate. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the originator by calling 801-957-4232.