Sales and Sponsorship
To establish a policy and procedure for campus sales and sponsorship on Salt Lake Community College properties and campuses.
Sales and sponsorship activities on college properties must support SLCC’s mission and goals. Authorization will be administered in a manner which is applied equally to all eligible parties.
Sales and sponsorships must be in compliance with SLCC policies and procedures, SLCC Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, and all applicable laws. All sales and sponsorship approvals must follow accompanying procedures.
Items approved for sales and sponsorships may be included in contracts with corporate sponsors. Items approved for sales and sponsorship will remain approved until signed contract expires.
- College: Salt Lake Community College (SLCC)
- College Department: An operating unit of the college which is supported by college funds and reports through the college structure.
- College Entity: Any group that includes employees or students of the college
- College Hosted Organization: An individual or organization that pays for or plans and carries out a project or activity under the jurisdiction of a college department, especially one that pays any or all of the cost of an event or program.
- Corporate Sponsor: Individuals, businesses or corporations willing to provide payment and/or in-kind service to SLCC in return for access to the tangible commercial potential associated with the college.
- Donation Drive: An approved request to solicit for charity (e.g. food drive or clothing drive) by a college entity.
- Non-College Entity: Any person or group that does not include employees or students of the college.
- Sales: The act of selling a product or service or encouraging the support of a cause either directly or indirectly for monetary or other consideration.
- Solicitation: To approach individuals or groups for monetary or other consideration.
- Sponsor: To support an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services.
- Student Organizations: Organizations recognized by the college whose members are registered students that meet with the intention of accomplishing specific goals or interests of the members as stated in their constitution.
- Personal Gain: An activity which is intended to benefit an individual financially or materially.
- Personal Time: Employee lunch, break, or during non-work hours.
- Sales and Marketing Representative: Business representative sent to solicit materials or services to a college entity.
- Table Rentals: A table, in an approved campus location, may be available to all approved entities at a fee. Rentals may be included in corporate sponsorship contracts.
- Vendor: A college or non-college entity requesting to sell a product or service or encourage the support of a cause either directly or indirectly for monetary or other consideration.
- Vendor Fair: Vendors may be invited to the college to sell or solicit during designated times or places.
- Request for Permission
- Non-College entities or vendors are given opportunity to access the college community through periodic vendor fairs, table rentals and corporate sponsorship agreements.
- Corporate sponsors must have a signed corporate sponsorship contract with the college approved through Institutional Advancement.
- College departments and student groups must seek permission through Student Center offices.
- Sales and marketing representatives who aspire to or have a direct relationship with a department on campus need to contact that department head prior to any on-campus solicitation.
- Sale of Products
- Products, merchandise, or services will not normally be permitted on campuses when in competition with a college entity. This shall also apply when the request is in competition with services provide by a business holding a contract with the college to provide goods and services.
- The appropriate college entity will have first right of refusal.
- The sale of products, merchandise, or services must follow college procurement guidelines. (see the College Procurement Policy)
- Scheduling Requests
Once approved, organizations shall schedule space with the campus information desk.
- Manner of Sales/Sponsorship
Approved solicitations shall be carried out in a manner which:
- does not infringe on the rights of individuals;
- does not physically obstruct normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow;
- does not create excessive noise, trash or disturbance at the site or adjacent areas;
- does not interfere with classes or scheduled meetings;
- does not damage or litter college property;
- clearly identifies the hosting college entity; or
- is not placed on vehicles in college parking lots
- Door to Door
No door-to-door solicitation shall be permitted anywhere on college property.
- College resources are provided for official college business only.
- These resources shall include, but are not limited to, the college website and its attached materials, electronic signage and written mediums.
- Corporate sponsors may use institutional and student funded mediums through negotiated and approved sponsor contracts.
- Campus Mail
The use of campus mail for sales and sponsorships is only allowed with approval of Student Services or Institutional Advancement or signed corporate sponsorship contract.
- Sale of Personal Items/Services
In an effort to limit the unintentional pressure which may arise from solicitation by colleagues, college personnel are permitted to advertise and sell goods and services for personal gain only during personal time, and when it does not disrupt the regular activities of their colleagues.
- Sale of Goods and Services by College Personnel
The sale of goods to Salt Lake Community College must follow college procurement guidelines. (see College Procurement Policy)
- Use of College Name and Logos
Groups desiring permission to use the college’s name or departmental/special logos should follow guidelines as outlined by Institutional Marketing.
- Donation drives must contact the Thayne Center for guidelines and approval forms.
Date of last cabinet review: November 23, 2010
The originator of this policy & procedure is the Student Affairs. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the originator by calling 801-957-4248.