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ace and its purpose!

The Arts & Cultural Events (ACE) Grant supports & promotes artistic and cultural expression, enhances student activities, and advances educational opportunities. The ACE Grant's purpose is to provide financial, promotional, and programming developmental support & implementation for artistic and cultural events at SLCC.

ACE may sponsor arts & cultural programming/events that have expressions of: Theater, art or fashion shows, literature, painting, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, architecture, rituals, spirituality, and storytelling.


Click Here to Apply!

Funds Remaining: $9,150

If you are experiencing issues submitting your application, please contact

Deadline Dates for ACE Grant Requests 2024-2025

Proposal Deadlines Committee Meeting Results Shared
Wed. 7/31/24 8/08/2024 8/15/2024
Sat. 8/31/24 9/12/2024 9/19/2024
Mon. 9/30/24 10/10/2024 10/17/2024
Thur. 10/31/24 11/07/2024 11/14/2024
Sat. 11/30/24 12/12/2024 12/19/2024
Tue. 12/31/24 1/09/2025 1/16/2025
Fri. 1/31/25 2/13/2025 2/20/2025
Fri. 2/28/25 3/13/2025* 3/20/2025
Mon. 3/31/25 4/10/2025 4/17/2025
Wed. 4/30/25 5/08/2025 5/15/2025
No application review June & July 2025
*Takes place during Spring Break 2025

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but are recommended to be submitted 2 months prior to an event.

The ACE Committee meets once a month to make funding decisions and you will be notified of the committee's decision as soon as possible. If awarded, ACE cannot guarantee funding to be available before your event, so please turn in your applications as early as possible!

Please be aware that your event may require contracting needs for entertainment and/or speakers. There may be deadlines of up to 6 weeks for these contracts. ACE will not be responsible for your contracting needs but will be considering this during the decision making process, thank you.


All members of the SLCC community and encouraged to apply for funding for an Arts & Cultural Event or program. Collaborations between students and faculty/staff are encouraged.  

ACE Grants are awarded for up to $10,000. 

  • Applying for $2,500 or less in funding for arts and cultural events or programs. This may include in-class speaker funding requests. Requests of this amount do not require a presentation.
    • Recommended submission 2 months in prior to an event.


  • Applying for more than $2,500 in funding for arts and cultural events or programs will require a presentation to be given to the ACE committee. In addition to the application, a post-event survey and additional contract and event marketing guidelines may be given.
    • Recommended submission 2 months in prior to an event.

Please gather the following information to complete your ACE funding application request:

Detailed information about your event, date(s), time(s), and location(s) of your event. You will be asked to answer some criteria questions (see tab below): Alignment, Planning, Marketing and Budget information.

Applications will be evaluated and scored on five categories which will be also listed on the application:

  • Alignment with ACE: How does your event meet ACE’s Purpose Statement (above)?
  • Planning: We want to see student involvement! How are you planning with students, staff and faculty?
  • Marketing: How will you be advertising your event? Whether it’s social media, Campus Groups, or posters, let us know how you plan to market your event!
  • Budget: How do you plan on funding your event overall? We also want to know specifically how you would use ACE grant funding towards your event.

For grants requests over $2,500 (up to $10,000), ACE requires a presentation be given by the requestor(s). After the application has been received, we will invite you to join one of our next monthly ACE committee meetings to discuss the details of your event and your ACE request. These meetings are held virtually.

Here are some tips to prepare:

  • Plan your presentation to be approximately 10 minutes.
  • There will be roughly 10 minutes afterwards for questions from our committee.
  • Feel free to invite as many participants as you would like.
  • A slide presentation is helpful but not required.
  • In your presentation, please discuss the following:
    • Event logistics: date, time, location, anticipated number of attendees. Is it open to all students?
    • Budget: How much money are you requesting? How will the funding be used?
    • Alignment: How does your event connect with ACE mission?
    • Marketing: What strategies will be used to advertise the SLCC community (students, staff, faculty). Will you be able to follow the ACE marketing guidelines (use of ACE logo on print/social media advertisements; creation of an SLCC calendar event).
    • Planning: We want to ensure your event is implemented. How far along in the planning process are you? What contracts have been signed? Spaces reserved? What remains uncertain? etc.

After applications are submitted, someone from your committee will be asked to give a 10 minute presentation on your event.

You will be notified once a decision is made by the committee. If your proposal is awarded, a new budget index will be created specifically for your event and funding will be transferred over. Additional information and recipient guidelines will be provided in your award letter.

Additional questions?

Please contact the ACE Co-Chairs and program Coordinator.

TImothy Davis

Director, Thayne Center (Co-Chair)




Student Center






Ulysses Tongaonevai

Director, ODMA (Co-Chair)




Student Center






Miranda Obic

Coordinator for ACE & Event Support


