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Engineering and Engineering Technology are closely related fields of study with noticeable differences in curriculum. You can choose the program that fits your career goals.

Engineering Technology: Do you want to enter the engineering workforce quickly?

Engineering Technology focuses on the practical application of engineering techniques, training students to become experts in applying, developing, and implementing product/work improvements. Technology graduates can choose a Certificate, Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree, or complete the AAS degree in order to transfer to an Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science degree program.

The two programs offered in Engineering Technology at SLCC include:

  • Engineering Design Manufacturing Technology: This program allows you to enter the workforce following completion of the two-year program or will prepare you for junior level status at a university such as Weber State University in their Product Design Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, or their Manufacturing Engineering Technology Bachelors of Science (BS) programs.
  • Engineering Drafting and Manufacturing Technology: his program allows you to enter the workforce by completing a one-year certificate. The certificate if the first half of the Engineering Design Manufacturing Technology AAS degree.

Another option for building skills to enter the workforce is the Certificate of Proficiency in Microscopy or Nanotechnology.

Engineering: Do you plan to transfer to a four-year institution and complete a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Engineering degree?

The General Engineering degrees are designed to complete the first two years of the BS degree requirements and will prepare you for junior level status at most four-year institutions. You can to use this General Engineering option to prepare for further study in any of these important areas of engineering:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Geological Engineering
  • Materials Science Engineering
  • Metallurgical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering

Salt Lake Community College offers two similar degree General Engineering degrees, both allowing you to specialize in one of the above areas of engineering.

The Engineering - Traditional APE degree assumes that you have some standard mathematical preparation completed as you enter the community college. Choose this engineering degree option if you are ready for your first semester of calculus upon entering college.

The Engineering - Full APE degree assumes that you may need to spend some time preparing yourself for entry into the engineering program. This degree will also allow you complete all of the first two years of your general education requirements during your time at SLCC. Choose this engineering degree option if you know that it will take some time before you can take Calculus I.

Both General Engineering programs require ENGR 1010, an engineering preparation class.

Engineering Design Manufacturing Technology

Salt Lake Community College’s EDMT program teaches all aspects of the design and manufacturing process and prepares students for an exciting, well-paying career.

EDMT Flyer