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Student Clubs

Salt Lake Community College recognizes the value and importance of community in the academic success of its students. Student clubs create opportunities for students to build connections with faculty, staff, and other students outside of the classroom. SLCC has over 50 student clubs ranging from special interest to academic-related to multicultural clubs. Through these clubs, students are not only able to develop leadership skills, but also create relationships through community engagement and enhance their overall college experience.

Club Resources

Student Clubs Information

Are you interested in starting a new club? You can enrich the college experience for you and other students by creating a community with shared interests. 

Instructions to Start a New Club

  1. Recruit 5 currently enrolled students. (Club advisors are optional; Club Advisors must be a full-time staff or faculty member.)
  2. Attend Pre-Orientation with your club advisor. Email to schedule.
  3. Complete the following paperwork:
    1. Start/Reactivate of Club/Organization Form
    2. Club Constitution Template and Checklist
    3. Club President Commitment
    4. Club Advisor Agreement (Only required for clubs with advisors)
  4. Present club to the Inter-Club Council for approval.

Once you have completed Steps 1-4, your documents will be review by a Student Clubs Peer Leader. Following this, a peer leader will contact you to schedule a time for you to attend an Inter-Club Council meeting. At this meeting, you will present information from the documents you submitted, and the council will vote to approve or deny. 

A peer leader will follow up with the results of the vote. If approved, they will provide more information about training, Campus Groups, and funding. 

If you have additional questions, please email

Every year clubs must re-register their club to remain SLCC-recognized club status. Here are steps to re-register your club:
  • Log into Campus Groups
  • Go to your club’s Campus Group page
  • Click on the Re-registration Box at the top of your club’s Campus Groups page.
    • If there is not a Re-registration Box at the top of your clubs’ Campus Groups page, please contact a Student Clubs Peer Leader at
  • Complete the re-registration form.

If you need assistance on how to re-register your club, please contact a Student Clubs Peer Leader at If a student club has been inactive for more than two years, the club will need to follow the steps for starting a new club to reactivate it.

You must re-register your club by Friday, October 4, 2024. If you have not re-registered your club, please contact a student clubs peer leader at

Inter-Club Council (ICC) is the decision-making body for the student clubs program made up of student club presidents. Matters brought before ICC may include approving new clubs, changes to the Student Club manual, club funding requests, collaboration opportunities, event announcements, institutional policy changes that impact students involved in clubs, and networking time for club representatives. If there are any issues regarding protocol or other concerns, they may also be presented. If a club president wishes to present at ICC, your request must be submitted through Campus Groups at least two weeks before the ICC meeting you would like to present at. In accordance with the Club Manual, there must be at least 20 SLCC-recognized clubs present at the meeting for voting to occur.

ICC Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month from Noon-1 p.m.

Dates of ICC for 2024-2025

  • September 4, 2024
  • October 2, 2024
  • November 6, 2024
  • December 4, 2024
  • January 15, 2025
  • February 5, 2025
  • March 5, 2025
  • April 2, 2025

Meetings will be broadcasted at the Jordan and South City campuses, and in-person at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus.


Each semester, the Thayne Center holds an intensive program that provides clubs the information and skills to be a SLCC recognized club, Student Clubs Conference. The goal of the conference is to provide support and resources to clubs to be successful, understand, and meet tier requirements.

Who attends Student Clubs Conference?

All club members and club advisors. Student Clubs Conference is open to all club members, club leadership, and club advisors!

Club presidents and advisors are required to attend one session of the Student Clubs Conference in the Fall or Spring Semester. Two sessions will be offered at each clubs conference, a total of four opportunities. If the club president is not able to attend, the club president may send someone on their behalf with the approval of the club advisor and Coordinator for Student Clubs.  If the club advisor is not able to attend the conference due to circumstances out of their control, please send a co-advisor. If your club does not have a co-advisor, please communicate with the Coordinator for Student Clubs. We highly encourage co-advisors to attend.

Encourage your club members to attend!

Why attend Student Clubs Conference?

Your presence at the conference ensures that you are gaining the knowledge needed to best support your club. As club leaders and advisors, your club turns to you for guidance, mentorship, and support. With the implementation of the new tier funding model, we want to ensure that you are given the training and resources to meet tier requirements, continue to receive club funding, and learn best approaches to helping your club maintain SLCC recognition.

The conference is also a leadership opportunity that provides training on how to lead an SLCC-recognized club and build community for SLCC students.

When and Where is Student Clubs Conference?

  • Fall 2024 Clubs Conference - September 20, 2024
    • Morning Session - 8:45 a.m.-12 p.m.
    • Afternoon Session - 12:45 p.m.-4 p.m.
    • Register Here!
  • Spring 2025 Clubs Conference - February 21, 2025
    • Morning Session - 8:45 a.m.-12 p.m.
    • Afternoon Session - 12:45 p.m.-4 p.m.
    • Register Here!

To request information about your club index and account balance, please email or

As an SLCC-recognized club, clubs are able to request additional funding to help support your events, program, and other activities throughout the year. Clubs can request up to $2,750 once an academic year and must present their request to Inter-Club Council who will vote to approve the funding. The number of one-time funding available is limited and will be available on a first come, first serve basis.

To request, complete the One-Time Funding form in Campus Groups. Guidelines are located in the Student Clubs Manual

All clubs who received one-time funding will submit a 5-minute presentation to be shared with ICC and the SLCC community. These presentations need to be submitted by the end of each semester.

The number of one-time funding and marketing design requests is limited. Please return to this webpage for updates on the amount of these services remaining.

  • One Time Funding: $30,250 remaining
  • Publicity and Marketing: 15 requests remaining

To ensure our club advisors are receiving continuous support throughout the year, the Thayne Center staff in conjunction with other campus partners will be providing trainings about different resources related to student clubs.

The trainings will be held in person and virtually. Links for the trainings will be shared closer to the date of the training.

Though these trainings are not mandatory, we highly encourage you to attend. Here is a schedule of trainings for 2023-2024.

More information on Club Advisor Trainings will be released shortly

Contact Us

Mason Bancroft

Coordinator, Student Clubs




Student Center (STC)






Diana Mavlanova

Student Clubs Peer Leader

Alasini Sellesin-Duenas

Student Clubs Peer Leader

Maurs Squires

Student Clubs Peer Leader

Cristian Terrones

Student Clubs Peer Leader